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Table of Contents[show]
With great starting salaries and so many terrific job choices available today, choosing to become a CNA just may be the best decision you will ever make! However, before you embark on your new career, you want to be sure that you do everything necessary to be as successful as possible. The best way to accomplish this is by using the following valuable tips.
Begin Your Career in High School
If you are still in high school, you can begin your CNA career by completing such courses as general biology, chemistry, English and algebra. Classes in computer skills and communications can help to prepare you for a CNA career as well. Additionally, try your best to maintain a GPA of 2.5 or higher, especially during your senior year.
Register for Your Program as Early as Possible
Never wait until the last minute to register for your CNA program. Apply to the school of your choice as early as possible. A good rule is to submit an admission application at least six to eight months prior to when you would like to attend classes. The same rule applies to financial aid applications. In this way, you can be sure that your placement will not be filled by someone else!
Complete Your CPR Training Right Away
One of the main requirements to taking the CNA certification exam and becoming certified is to complete CPR training. While you can complete this training at any time during your CNA program, many students will agree that it is best to complete the course early on in your program. By doing this, you can spend the remainder of your program concentrating on material that may be included in the CNA exam.
Give Yourself Time to Study for the CNA Exam
Too many CNA graduates rush right into taking their CNA exam, without giving themselves time to study. While some of these students may, indeed, pass their tests, most of them need to repeat it one or two more times. To ensure that you do well the first time, take some time to study and use as many resources as you can find. It can be extremely helpful to make use of online CNA practice exams as well.
Be Persistent in Your Job-Search Efforts
Finally, after completing your training and passing your CNA exam, you will be ready to start searching for a job. The best tip here is to be persistent in your efforts. Try to submit five or more job applications per week. In addition to making contact with businesses directly, there are many resources you can use to locate employment, and some of the best are as follows:
- Local Newspapers (online or paper editions)
- Employment Websites
- Your Local Employment Office
- Libraries
- Your School's Job Assistance Office
When starting a CNA career, be sure to register for your program early, take time to study for your CNA exam and be persistent in your job-search efforts.